How to Get the Most out of your Private Tutoring Session

Tutor Doctor Identifies Key Essentials for Learning Comprehension & Retention

( - By . Updated Oct 8, 2013

Media Contact: Stefanie Zimmerman, Fishman PR, 847.945.1300 x 267, 


How to Get the Most out of your Private Tutoring Session

Tutor Doctor Identifies Key Essentials for Learning Comprehension & Retention


Toronto, ON – Over the past several years, the public education system has been under scrutiny for its lack of funds and struggling programs. As a result, the private tutoring sector has drastically grown at accelerated rates as parents try to secure the best possible education for their children amidst high competition. According to a 2012 study by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. (GIA), the global private tutoring market is projected to surpass $102.8 billion by 2018. Of this growth, the study also found the U.S., Europe, and Asia-Pacific make up more than 90 percent of the private tutoring market, with Americans spending over $15 billion a year for academic tutors.


With so many people enrolled in private tutoring to further their education, it’s important that students proactively make the most out of their sessions so they’re able to walk away with a better understanding of both the material and the learning style that works best for them.


Tutor Doctor, the fastest growing “in-home” tutoring franchise with over 370 territories worldwide, has identified several factors for students to keep in mind before, during and after a one-on-one tutoring session to maximize comprehension and retention.


“For students who are perhaps struggling academically or want to get ahead, scheduling a tutoring session is a great first step,” said Frank Milner, President of Tutor Doctor. “At the end of the day, students need to understand that it’s up to them – not their tutors – to put forth the extra effort to really soak in the material at hand and ultimately figure out how to improve their study habits moving forward.”


For students who are working with a tutor or considering hiring a tutor, the following are tips by the Tutor Doctor team to keep in mind before, during and after a private tutoring session.



  • Come prepared with all relevant worksheets, notes, handouts, materials, drafts, and supplies.
  • Before the session, review your most recent assignment and pinpoint any challenging areas. This will help your tutor identify any patterns and develop a strategy moving forward.
  • Come with a written list of any questions or concerns that can be addressed right from the start of the session.



  • Be prepared to learn. Your tutor will not be doing the work for you. He or she will be there as a guide to help you better understand the relevant subject matter, as well as show you how to apply these concepts to homework or test problems.
  • Talk to your instructors about what they think you are struggling with. 
  • Explain how you think about or approach a problem to your tutor. This will help your tutor figure out your learning style, and where your strengths and stumbling blocks may be.
  • Ask your tutor to review the most important issues at the beginning of the session so that you don’t run out of time before addressing them.
  • Share your goals, other concerns, and your general history with the subject.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up if you have any questions or are confused about what your tutor is explaining. If you don’t understand something, ask if he or she can explain the idea in a different way until it makes sense.
  • Along the same lines, let your tutor know when a particular method makes a lot of sense to you, or when one doesn’t. That way, your tutor can use methods that actually help instead of confuse. 
  • Take notes during tutoring so you’re able to apply your new learning approach and concepts to future assignments. Structure your notes in whatever way you find most helpful, whether it’s a chart, outlined bullet points, a diagram, or regular sentences.
  • Pay close attention to how your tutor approaches subjects so when your tutor is not around, you can ask yourself, “What would my tutor do in this situation?”, and actually have an answer.



  • Use the notes you’ve taken when doing assignments on your own and practice the newer learning concepts so it becomes more second nature.
  • Review your school notes and tutoring notes before doing your homework. Review your homework – both the questions you got right and the ones you got wrong – periodically to make sure you are staying on top of the concepts. While doing your homework, jot down any questions that arise and bring them to your next session.


For more information on Tutor Doctor and its services, visit


About Tutor Doctor

Tutor Doctor was founded in 2000 as an alternative to the “one-to-many” teaching model most extra-curricular learning centers offer by providing a personalized one-on-one, in-home tutoring service to students.  The company quickly grew and in 2003 turned to franchising as a way of expanding the company’s impact and meeting the vast market demand. Now with offices internationally in Canada, the United States, Latin America, the United Kingdom, Middle East and the Caribbean, the Tutor Doctor vision is becoming a reality as the lives of students and their families are being positively impacted throughout the world. With over 370 franchised territories worldwide, Tutor Doctor was listed by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the fastest growing franchise brands. For more information about Tutor Doctor visit the web site at


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